We Invite You To the Wedding Of
We’re getting hitched! And we’d be delighted if you join our live wedding ceremony!
Mr. Ir. Haryono Kusumosubroto, Dipl. HE
Mrs. dr. Endang Pudjiastuti, MKes
26 March 2022
6.30 PM to 9 PM
We appreciate your presence in our happiest day. Please confirm your attendance to the wedding ceremony.
*Dress Code: White - Gold
**Test Swab Antigen will be provided at the venue
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Saturday, 26 March 2022
4 PM - 6 PM
Patio Venue & Dining
16.00 - Wedding Ceremony
18.30 - Wedding Dinner
Please watch through the Bride's YouTube Live to watch the entire of wedding ceremony Live.
for joining our big day.